Whether you’re a manufacturer, engineering company or non-profit, you need a constant supply of new ideas. This capacity to innovate is like having your own ideas factory. You can create solutions whenever you need them. With the disruption facing all organizations from the coronavirus, reinventing the way we work and think is crucial.
Most managers and executives have less control over daily decisions than they think. In fact, you likely control about 15 percent of your time. The rest of the time is taken by solving the everyday demands of running a business. You can define what matters most to your success.
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- 85 percent: Notice what you cannot control, what is beyond your direct influence? React to it and do your best.
- 15 percent: Notice what you can control. Invest your time to make this as innovative as possible. Often small changes can have a big influence.
The Idea Factory can help you find where this 15% influence can make a real difference.The Idea Factory brings international resources & expertise to Brant led by Ed Bernacki. He relocated back after 25 years of working and living in Australia & New Zealand & working in various Asian countries. Ed is an innovation strategist, trainer, facilitator, & coach.
You can download, for free, a graphic version of “I am an Idea Factory!”
In-House Innovation Training, Briefings, Presentations
Manufacturers invest resources in research and development (R&D) to create new ideas, technologies and processes. This grows their capacity to innovate. Consider that most organizations are services full of people, who serve customers in the public, professional and non-profit sectors.
Where do they invest to create new ideas, technologies and processes? Start now. Invest time, energy and resources to develop a greater capacity to innovate in your organization.
Ed Bernacki is an innovator with an international career working in various countries on a wide range of innovation projects.
Ed Bernacki has spoken at 250 conferences in 12 countries, delivered 200 innovation workshops for most of Canada’s government departments, and published several books. He has worked with many big and small companies along the way.